Mind Writing
The hidden science of making words work
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Why we miss our biggest mistakes
Take heart if you’ve ever missed an embarrassing typo. Given the science of how we read, it’s a miracle we ever spot them at all.
Mind reading for beginners
We develop the ability to see things from someone else’s point of view in early childhood. Yet typing on screen may leave us less able to use it as adults.
They’re listening to their tune, not yours
The inner monologue is the background music to our moods, generating emotions that drive our choices most of the time. You haven’t a hope of influencing someone’s decision without first changing what they’re saying to themselves. And logic won’t cut it.
Why the C-suite rarely mention the C-word
By neglecting communication, CEOs ignore the common thread that connects all their strategic goals.
The real (and surprising) reason email makes us angry
What’s going on in the brain when a digital conversation heads south? And how can that help us avoid email rage in the first place?
Why we need information hygiene too [original research]
More people are turning to the media to reduce uncertainty. But new research suggests this could be doing us more harm than good. Our study of the world’s largest database of online news media has revealed a huge spike in the use of highly emotive words in headlines over the last five months.
The communication secrets that put a man on the moon
Fifty years ago today, three men were sitting on top of a missile, hurtling up into the inky void, travelling the 240,000 miles (384,400 kilometres) to the moon. The Saturn V rocket propelling them had contained almost 2,000 tonnes of fuel when it left the launchpad in Florida just three days earlier
How Trump’s tweets and speech pattern hypnotise his followers
This is not a political blog and I’m not a political expert, so I won’t offer an opinion on Donald Trump’s suitability for the role of US president. But what I will offer is what I believe is one major reason he’s still in the Oval Office and evidently still popular with many people – something that certainly puzzles many commentators.
Why you still need ‘Sent from my iPhone’ in your signature
While conducting some research recently, I discovered a question in a web forum that got me thinking. In a nutshell, the question was: should you include ‘Sent from my iPhone’?
We’re not the communicators we think we are
Most people think their driving is above average. That’s a statistical impossibility, of course, otherwise it wouldn’t be an average. Still, it’s what we believe.